Tuesday, June 06, 2006

I rise from my bed. It is 6/6/06.

In Hell, MI, they are preparing for a party. I am in my own personal hell right now. I have been plagued by jet lag since my return from Scotland (six days ago!).

I don't know what my problem is; it's only seven hours' difference. But since last Thursday, I have been spending my days comatose in bed (or on my desk). At one o'clock each morning, I rise to swat mosquitoes and catch up on all the DVDs that have gone purchased but unwatched since Chinese New Year.

Actually, I enjoy jet lag, in the same way I enjoy alcohol. It inspires in me grandiose visions. In the wee hours before dawn, I imagine myself capable of finishing my novel, raising money for charity, becoming an entrepreneur, running great distances, mastering a stringed instrument, overcoming myopia, bringing armies to heel with my steely gaze, and giving birth. At such times, I am charming and gregarious.

Of course, no one is around to witness this rare manifestation of my true self. If she were, she would likely be annoyed to be shaken awake before dawn by a raving insomniac.


Blogger amanda said...

I also love the ambition being up at strange hours brings. When the clocks jumped forward and C. was still on a wacky sleep schedule, we found ourselves awake and out in the world at 6 a.m. on a Saturday: best seats is a popular breakfast place before the crowd, early to the farmer's market for the best produce, capable of leaping tall buildings in a single bound. I thought we could do this every week and have rich lives because of it. I would write poetry, learn to paint and play the accordion, Nate would make cars and bikes galore, C. would learn French. And THEN we'd have breakfast together. Alas...

I'm so jealous that you went to Scotland (don't think I didn't notice your new pics). Can't wait to hear more.

10:27 PM  

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